
Routines and Older Adults

July 19, 2024|0 Comments

As we get older, we can naturally settle into routines. Routines also sometimes need to change as our health changes. Sometimes older adults can struggle with that change, so today let's talk about some do's[...]

Promoting Independence for Older Adults

July 17, 2024|0 Comments

A few days ago, we talked about a few of the ways that our caregivers promote independence for our clients. Today, we're going to continue talking about that topic, with a focus on how caregivers enable[...]

How Home Care Promotes Independence

July 12, 2024|1 Comment

I talk so much about how home care preserves the independence of our clients as it pertains to multiple different topics. However, I have not done a deeper dive on this in a long time.[...]

Referring Home Care to Patients

July 7, 2024|0 Comments

This blog is mostly about how people can improve their loved one's lives with home care. Today we are going to talk about how health care providers can improve their patients' lives by giving them[...]

UV Awareness Month

July 6, 2024|0 Comments

July is UV Awareness Month! We have previously talked about heat safety, so let's talk about UV safety steps that older adults can take this summer. Like heat safety, UV safety is very important for[...]

Home Care for Older Adults with Alzheimer’s

June 23, 2024|0 Comments

We help clients with all different conditions, however there are some specific ways that people with Alzheimer's can be helped by home care. And, if you remember, a few weeks ago we talked about Alzheimer's[...]

Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month

June 8, 2024|1 Comment

June is Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month and today I wanted to share a little bit about some resources you can use when learning about brain health. For starters, there's this great page by the[...]

The Hygiene Struggles of Older Adults

June 7, 2024|0 Comments

Older adults often have hygiene struggles that can come with various conditions. At CareBuilders, we assess each individual for the level of independence they can maintain while performing tasks. This way, we don't assume that[...]

Ways to Make Cooking Easier

June 2, 2024|0 Comments

We are going back to basics today and talking about ways to make cooking easier and more accessible. There are numerous factors that can make cooking harder for older adults and their families. I hope[...]

Mental Health Awareness Month

May 19, 2024|0 Comments

We're half-way through Mental Health Awareness Month, and I wanted to hop on here to share some tips to take care of yourself this month. I've written about mental wellness before. and it is a[...]

Summer Nutrition for Older Adults

April 27, 2024|0 Comments

As we get closer to summer, I thought it would be fun to talk about nutrition for seniors in the summer. And if you want to read more about nutrition for older adults, this is[...]

Things to Do this Summer

April 21, 2024|0 Comments

How can you beat the heat while still being active this summer? As I talked about last year, extreme heat can mess with certain medications or exacerbate certain conditions people may have. So what can[...]

How to Build Healthy Habits

April 7, 2024|0 Comments

We all know that it can be difficult for caregivers or really anyone with a demanding job to take care of themselves. Today I'd like to talk about some simple ways to build healthy habits[...]

World Health Day 2024

April 6, 2024|0 Comments

Today is World Health Day, and the theme this year is "My health, my right." According to the World Health Organization, the theme is supposed to focus on the barriers to public health access that[...]

Spring with CareBuilders!

March 31, 2024|0 Comments

Spring has sprung here at the CareBuilders office. Here's a few things to keep in mind as the months get warmer. Landscape design of home garden, landscaping with flowers and stone retaining walls in[...]

My Favorite Nutrient-Dense Snacks

March 24, 2024|0 Comments

March is National Nutrition Month, so while we are on the topic, I'd love to talk about some of my favorite nutrient-dense snacks. As I've talked about before, I don't like to moralize food, so[...]

Match a Caregiver and a Client

March 12, 2024|0 Comments

We as an agency work hard to match our clients with caregivers. When clients sign up for services with us, we talk with them about their needs and goals for care, and try to send[...]

How Caregivers Can Help with Nutrition

March 3, 2024|0 Comments

In my last post, I talked about how caregivers can help with running errands. This week, I want to talk about another aspect of care that gets often overlooked: nutrition. Now, our caregivers are not[...]

Running Errands With a Caregiver

February 18, 2024|1 Comment

I have mentioned that some of our clients run errands with their caregivers, but I haven't really explained it in detail. I thought that today we could go over that and how it works. To[...]

Homemaking Help with Caregivers

February 11, 2024|0 Comments

We talk a lot about personal care help here on the blog, but let's talk about another very common aspect of caregiving. Homemaking includes tasks like meal preparation, light cleaning (no scrubbing), and other daily[...]

Self-Care for Caregivers Pt. 2

February 4, 2024|0 Comments

Last week we discussed self-care for caregivers. This week, I'll go over some more ways that people can take care of themselves while caregiving. Here are some of my personal favorite ways to take care[...]

How to Become a Caregiver

February 3, 2024|0 Comments

There are many paths to becoming a caregiver, and today we'll detail a few. As we've discussed before, our caregivers come from many different backgrounds. If you are thinking about how to become a caregiver,[...]

Heart Healthy Foods for Older Adults

January 31, 2024|0 Comments

As we are approaching February, which is American Heart Month, let's talk about heart healthy foods that older adults can add to their diets. This is also your reminder that we are non-medical. We do[...]

Self-Care for Caregivers

January 28, 2024|1 Comment

Self-care is really important for older adults, as we've discussed. However, it's important for caregivers to take care of their mental wellness. Caregiver burnout can be very serious and even dangerous for caregivers. As always,[...]

Eye Health

January 24, 2024|0 Comments

Since January is Glaucoma Awareness Month, I decided to write this quick little post about how you can keep an eye (pun intended) on your eye health as you get older. This is not going[...]