Since January is Glaucoma Awareness Month, I decided to write this quick little post about how you can keep an eye (pun intended) on your eye health as you get older. This is not going to be about recognizing signs of glaucoma in yourself, as there aren’t early warning signs and it can only be detected through an eye exam at your eye doctor’s office, according to the National Eye Institute. You should also check out this post on Glaucoma Awareness Month by the National Eye Institute.

Get Your Eyes Checked Regularly

The only way to actually know if you have glaucoma is through an eye exam, according to the National Eye Institute. Make sure you are going to the eye doctor to get your annual exams. Early detection and treatment is key here. Eye exams are also just really important for maintaining your health.

Other Methods of Observation May Not be Effective

One thing I often talk about on these kinds of posts is how caregivers and loved ones can help older adults by observing changes in them over time. This pretty impossible to do with eye issues, as older adults can become accustomed to routine in their homes. Older adults may not notice their vision deteriorating over time. That is something that is pretty difficult to see in someone else. This is why going to the doctor is so important.

So What Can Caregivers Help With?

Our caregivers can assist their clients going to their doctor’s appointments. They can drive, sit in on the appointment and take notes. If they do have any observations on eye changes, they can provide those to the doctor.

In conclusion, your vision is nothing to mess around with and you should protect it. If you have any concerns, please go see your eye doctor.

Written by Brigid Stakelum