Welcome back to Resolution January! Today is about what kinds of resolutions you should avoid altogether. This one will be a fun and pretty short post, so stay tuned for more tomorrow!

Social Pressure

The first kind of resolution to avoid is one that is borne of social pressures. I’ve talked about these briefly, but things like “eat healthy” or “go to the gym” are too broad. They are also hard to stick to if they aren’t something we really want to do. If you truly need to do something like exercise more or eat more vegetables, there are ways to make those goals more specific and actionable.

Something that Drags You Down

Your resolutions should be about adding positive change to your life. Anything that doesn’t bring you joy or serve a positive purpose in your life is going to much harder to see through. Avoid resolutions like a type of exercise that you don’t like and swap it for something of the desired activity level.

Resolutions that are Too Broad

As I’ve talked about before, resolutions that are too broad are harder to stick with than smaller and more specific goals. Stick to things that are measurable and actionable for the best chance at success and at not getting discouraged.

Thank you for sticking with us through Resolution January. Stay tuned for tomorrow!

Written by Brigid Stakelum