CareBuilders at Home provides top-notch, non-medical care to those who need it across the country. While people are at the heart of what we do, the CareBuilders franchise opportunity makes a lot of business sense, too. The demographics of home health agency patients, the number of 65+ Americans, and the percentage of seniors who are homeowners are all reasons you should consider investing in the senior care industry.

81.9% of Home Health Agency Patients are 65+

Most of the
business for any home health agency, including CareBuilders, comes from the
loved ones of those 65 and older. While we have other clients, like new moms
who need an extra set of hands or persons with disabilities, most of our
business comes from helping seniors stay in their homes. Because of our
experience serving aging clients, we know that the senior care industry is
primed for growth by looking ahead at aging demographics.

By 2030, 65+ Adults Are Expected to Comprise 20% of the Population

Thanks to advances in science, technology, and medicine, Americans are living longer, healthier lives. But the natural process of aging often necessitates a little assistance. While adults 65+ haven’t quite reached 20% of the population yet, according to the Institute on Aging there are already more than 40 million Americans in that age demographic.

Many 65+ adults don’t need full-time care or to move out of their own homes. Maybe they just need help managing everyday tasks or could use a helping hand around the house. That’s where CareBuilders comes in. We help seniors stay in their homes with dignity by providing non-medical care and companionship.

And the number of
seniors who will require this service is rising due to an aging population of
Baby Boomers. A growing population of 65+ Americans is an opportunity for
members of the senior care industry to help those in need and build strong

Nearly 80% of 65+ Americans Are Homeowners.

These homeowners
are in no hurry to trade the home they own for assisted living facilities. And
many of them don’t need to. At CareBuilders, we make it possible for these
homeowners to stay in the homes they have built their lives in while giving
their loved one’s peace of mind.

Now is the time to
get into the senior care industry; the opportunity is only growing. Most home
health patients are aged 65 or older, the number of 65+ Americans is growing
and expected to reach 20% of the population by 2030, and many 65+ Americans are
homeowners. These factors are all reasons that investing in the senior care
industry by franchising with CareBuilders can be a promising opportunity.