Of course, as you consider investing in a home care business, you are interested in the hard numbers. But there is more to the CareBuilders at Home franchise than our AUV, years of experience and investment range. Starting a non-medical home healthcare business can be emotionally fulfilling in addition to giving you the opportunity to be your own boss, enjoy the freedoms of business ownership and build a legacy for yourself and your family.

An Emotionally Fulfilling Industry

The CareBuilders at Home franchise is made up of caring leaders who find fulfillment in providing the care that seniors in their communities need. Each of our franchise partners has powerful stories of the meaningful “thank yous” they have received from not only CareBuilders at Home clients, but also from their clients’ families.

Choosing a home care agency for an aging loved one is a deeply personal decision. When you franchise with CareBuilders at Home, you have the opportunity to make a real, positive difference for families in your community. And that is something you can feel good about.

Be Your Own Boss

Becoming your own boss is a huge lifestyle shift. Of course, it does mean increased responsibility, but that power can be a benefit as well. You will determine your hours, decide your duties and have the privilege of building the team you want. You are ready for this.

During the early days of running your home care business, you will discover where you shine and how you want your day-to-day to look. Maybe you are a morning person, who wants meetings with potential clients and their families or calls with possible referral sources to happen first thing in the morning. Maybe you like to buckle down and get paperwork done as soon as possible. Either way, you get to decide. That’s what being your own boss is all about.


In addition to being your own boss, owning your own home care business gives you new freedoms, that just aren’t possible when you work for someone else. On a day-to-day basis, you won’t report to anyone; that means you have the autonomy to handle disputes, make hiring decisions and establish your office culture without anyone else’s sign-off. The freedoms of ownership are endless. Once you start making your own decisions and playing by your own rules, it will be difficult to be someone else’s employee ever again.

Build a Legacy

One of the most attractive aspects of entrepreneurship is the opportunity to build—and pass on—your legacy. When you franchise with CareBuilders at Home, you are buying a business. That means you get to determine its direction and succession. Your franchise is your chance to not only support your family now, but also provide them with a business that can sustain them for many years to come. Your home care business can be your legacy, both in your community and for your family.

If you are ready to explore the ways owning a home care business can change your life, reach out to the CareBuilders at Home franchise development team for more information.