There are many paths toward CareBuilders at Home franchise ownership, and there are lots of benefits to our franchise system. But don’t take our word for it; hear from some of our franchise partners who have a long history with the CareBuilders at Home brand about how their career paths led them to a home healthcare business and what the best part about joining CareBuilders at Home has been.

Bonnie Benkula

CareBuilders at Home: What is your role within CareBuilders at Home?

BB: I am an area developer and franchise partner with CareBuilders at Home.

CBAH: How did your career path lead you to CareBuilders at Home?

BB: My education is in healthcare and business with a BSHCA and an MBA, I have been in the healthcare industry for over 25 years. During my career I could see the growth of at home service needs growing over time and as we would discharge patients from our hospitals and clinics, I could see the need to have at home follow up care. I felt like the industry needed good people to care for those individuals who wanted to live out their life at home, so when I took early retirement from the university where I worked, I opened my first CareBuilders at Home franchise unit. 

CBAH: What is your favorite part of the CareBuilders at Home business model?

BB: My favorite part of the business is the meaningful work that I get to do to help families in need. My favorite part of the business model is the back-office support offered by the franchisor so that the business owner can focus on their relationship with their families and not spend countless hours running payroll and doing billing. Plus I like the fact that the business software is user friendly and web based allowing owners to monitor their business from anywhere in the world.

Dan Glennon

CBAH: What is your role within CareBuilders at Home?

DG: I am a franchise developer with a franchise development territory in southeastern Pennsylvania, parts of New Jersey and all of Delaware.

CBAH: How did your career path lead you to CareBuilders at Home?

DG: I was representing multiple clients in my elder law practice. After guardians were appointed for incapacitated people, I began receiving an increasing number of calls for assistance in coordinating care plans. I saw the need for services and the opportunities presented by getting involved with home care.

CBAH: What is your favorite part of the CareBuilders at Home business model?

DG: I like the fact that the main office handles the billing and receivables for the franchises.

CBAH: What should potential franchise partners know about you?

DG: I have been involved with CareBuilders at Home since 2012 and have been working with the franchisor as both a developer and as a franchise partner. I enjoy helping entrepreneurs establish themselves in this exciting field.

Gina McLaughlin

CBAH: What is your role within CareBuilders at Home?

GM: My role is executive director/franchise owner. I am also a registered nurse. I oversee all operations for the office. I am responsible for marketing, performing the start of care and doing the assessment for all new clients. It is my responsibility to bring revenue to my office.

CBAH: How did your career path lead you to CareBuilders at Home?

GM: As a registered nurse I was a traveling nurse and an intensive care trauma nurse. I had 4 children and wanted to be able to be home with my children for every school event and holiday. As a single mom, this was necessary for my family. I started my own staffing company, and eventually owners of a national staffing company in NYC called me and asked to buy out my existing company. These owners are David and Steven Savitsky. They wanted me to become a franchise owner for their company, ATC Healthcare. I did that in 2007. It was David and Steven who then introduced me to CareBuilders at Home.

CBAH: What is your favorite part of the CareBuilders at Home business model?

GM: The training of our caregivers and the match of their expertise to accommodate our families is a rewarding endeavor!  I also love the back-office support from my franchisor. For example, during the COVID pandemic, our compliance team set the stage with policies and protocols to assist each office with guidelines to effectively manage COVID. It has been a delight for us to still provide safe service to all of our families and protection for our caregivers. I also love being my own boss!

Are you ready to own your own home care business, like Bonnie, Don and Gina? If so, start your CareBuilders at Home franchise journey by reaching out for more information.