We’re excited to announce an extension of our services through our brand-new Wellness Program. Launching this month, the Wellness Program allows our franchisees to provide an enhanced slate of services to their clients.

This new program comes as more and more families are looking into at-home services for their loved ones. The new services will be offered à la cart, meaning clients and their families can opt in to whichever services they want as the need arises.

The anchor of the Wellness Program is the “Check in and Chat” service. These daily calls from a member of our dedicated care team provide us with a window into the daily lives of our clients while providing engagement through the interaction with a friendly face who is there to listen and address their needs. These calls also provide valuable insight into the daily lives of our clients and allow us to recognize any changes in the client’s condition early. Our proactive approach to client care allows us to make early recommendations for additional care when needed, or work with the client and family to coordinate any ancillary home-based services that may benefit the client’s overall health and wellbeing.

Additional services range from housekeeping visits to personal care visits, but we’re particularly excited about our new virtual capabilities. Using our brand new and easy-to-use technology, our clients can connect to their caregivers and loved ones through a voice-activated device connected to their television. The technology can be used for our “Check in and Chat” service or other everyday tasks, such as connecting throughout the day to provide seniors a reminder to take any prescribed medications they may be in the habit of forgetting. It can also be used for larger social purposes, like including seniors in family gatherings such as grandchildren’s soccer games or birthday parties from the comfort and safety of their own homes.

Family members may be especially excited about our shopping and errand assistance. This shopping and errand assistance service will provide relief for both families and the client as care managers assist with tasks such as picking up dry cleaning or buying groceries.

The first-of-its-kind Wellness Program allows us to offer our franchisees with opportunities for additional growth and revenue while providing much-needed assistance and relief to our clients, and we couldn’t be more excited to roll it out.

To learn more about our Wellness Program or franchising opportunities, feel free to reach out for more information. We would love to hear from you!