We’re getting into a cleaning mood here at my house, so I thought I’d share a few tips on how seniors can participate in spring cleaning. These tips work even if they have mobility issues or are dealing with side effects from medications (like dizziness) that leave them unable to clean like they want to or used to in years past. Or a senior just doesn’t like cleaning but wants some ideas to get started. Or you’re a family member reading this and you know that part of keeping a senior’s independence intact is ensuring they have a safe and sanitary living environment. This will be a nice follow-up to my post about New Year’s reflections.

Focus on What You Can Do Seated

There are a lot of spring cleaning activities that do not have to be done standing! They can easily be modified for sitting. A few examples are sorting items into bins, sorting items to keep and donate, and even dusting can be done seated with a long-handled duster. Focus on what you can do. Find help for the things you are not able to modify. You can have a family member carry heavy boxes for you, for example.

Find Devices to Help You

These can be expensive, but if you have the extra money, they are very worth it. Robot vacuums are such a great investment, and this article from PC Mag gives a good overview of the best ones they’ve reviewed. Other devices, electronic or non-electronic, can include a long-handled duster, a robot mop, self-cleaning litter boxes, and an air purifier. Business Insider has some great examples here.

Don’t Be Afraid to Take Your Time

You may be used to being able to knock out your spring cleaning in a weekend, but new medications or even things like moving furniture can definitely decrease the amount of time you can spend cleaning each day. Ask around to see if your friends and family can help you on a few days at a time, or look into hiring a caregiver Be prepared for cleaning to take much longer than expected, and don’t be hard on yourself if it does.

These are just a few tips to help your spring cleaning this year.