While we are non-medical homecare, we do have three areas of care that we provide: companion care, homemaking, and personal care. If you are a prospective client, and you don’t need all three of these types of care, that is totally fine! The same goes for a prospective caregiver who is best at one or two of these areas. We have clients of all different levels of need, and caregivers of all different levels of care. We have homemakers who don’t do much personal care, and certified nursing assistants (CNAs) who provide personal care but not a lot of homemaking. Let’s go over what each area of care entails.

A woman in blue scrubs sits and talks to an older couple.

Companion Care

Our caregivers provide companion care at all times, but some clients may need more or less companionship than others. Companion care takes many forms, it can be doing activities like puzzles or even running errands with the client, or simply talking to the client. Sometimes, especially with memory care clients, companionship is sitting there with them and being a constant presence in the room.


Our homemaking services include meal preparation, light housekeeping (no heavy scrubbing), and there are a variety of tasks that can fall under those umbrellas in this area of care. Clients should discuss exactly what they want their caregivers to do with office staff during the onboarding process. Examples of housekeeping tasks include but are not limited to:

  • Meal preparation (specify which meals)
  • Vacuuming
  • Sweeping
  • Taking the garbage out
  • Doing the dishwasher
  • Cleaning specific rooms like the living room or kitchen

Personal Care

Personal care is assistance with daily tasks that I will list in a second. As with the other two categories, not all clients will need this area of care and some will in the future but do not when they are onboarded. And again, not all caregivers have to perform personal care tasks, we will never assign you something that you are not trained to do. Personal care tasks include but are not limited to:

  • Dressing assistance
  • Eating assistance
  • Assistance walking and for transfers
  • Toileting and showering assistance


I hope this was informative. Anyone interested in applying to be a caregiver with us should read this post, and prospective clients should contact us here.