I know that a lot of older adults are on a tight budget, but they still want to go holiday shopping. No one should be excluded from holiday traditions because of their budget. So, what are some tips to save some money while spreading holiday cheer?

An older woman painting on an easel

Cyber Monday

Along with Black Friday, a lot of online retailers are having sales on Monday. Alternatively, many retailers simply extended their sales all weekend until Sunday or Monday. So even though Black Friday was yesterday, you still may be able to get some deals on items on your loved ones’ lists! I was able to get $30 0ff something I wanted for one of my siblings, and that’s $30 that I can put towards someone else’s gifts. Beware the mentality of buying something because it’s on sale, though.


This may or may not work, depending on your situation and budget, but gifting a holiday activity may be more meaningful and more economical for you than buying a bunch of stuff. This is something my family has done off and on over the years, it can be really special. I have a whole list of holiday activities in Louisville which you can find here.

Handmade Items

If you have a craft or skill, homemade gifts can be amazing. The materials are not cheap (depending on what you’re doing) but it may overall be cheaper than buying individual gifts. Like I said before, this is going to depend on a lot: who you’re shopping for, how many people are on your list, what you can make, etc.

Set a Strict Budget and Track Your Spending in One Place

It can be easy for your spending to get away from you. I usually set a general budget for each person on my list, but inevitably I go over on some and under on others. Keeping track means I know exactly how much I’ve spent and how much I can expect to keep spending. Acentsational Life has some great money-saving tips, as well.

There are plenty of ways to cover everyone on your list even on a budget. I hope these tips have helped you, and stay tuned for next time!