In our post about caregiver burnout, we talked about the importance of companionship for caregivers, but companionship is important for our clients, too. Many of our clients either live alone, or with family but still see only a few people on a regular basis. Companionship is related to both mental and physical health benefits, according to All Heart Homecare. It is important that older adults stay as active as they can. Our caregivers not only provide companionship services, but they can help you get to your activities, as well.

An older woman painting on an easel

Ways to Stay Active in Your Community

  • Join a church group or a community group, anything that will get you out in the community.
  • You don’t have to be able to do physical things to volunteer. There are people who knit caps for newborns, or donate extra blankets to dog shelters. If you have grandkids, schools always need volunteers.
  • Start a weekly activity night with your friends and neighbors. It could be anything: a book club, game night, or even a night where you watch reality TV. It does not matter what you do, just that you do something.

Companionship is very important, and if you can’t leave your house, there are ways to still get that companionship at your house. And as always, our caregivers provide companionship services and they can also provide transportation and assistance at activities. We want you to remain an active member of your community, and will do what we can to help you.