As the summer slides into the home stretch, vacations are in full swing, camps are going on their final trips and stores are having end of summer sales to make room for the new season’s inventory. At the same time, home care agencies nationwide are gearing up for the spike in service requests that begins with Labor Day weekend and continues on until the end of the year.

There are multiple reasons for this seasonal trend. The leading reason compels us to take a closer look at the main caregivers. Many times, adult children spend a great deal of time caring for their loved ones. As the summer turns into fall, those caregivers get busy. Some may be teachers who need to head back into the classroom while others need to pick up extra work for the holidays to come. With their days full with work and preparation for the holidays, they must search for alternate care options for their elderly parents so they can accomplish what they need to do for their own children and family functions.

Change in weather plays a great role in the health stability of seniors. As fall makes its approach, so does the common cold, pneumonia and flu. For the elderly, this can translate into hospital and rehab stays. Proper precautions are paramount for their safety and well-being so that everyone can have a joyous, stress free holiday season.

Elective surgeries are not commonly requested during the summer as that would confine one to the indoors for recuperation. Comes the fall season, there is a scramble for the surgeries to be performed allowing enough time for a full recuperation before the November/December holiday season. Also, some people will try to get surgeries and procedures in before the end of the year to take advantage of health insurance deductibles.

If you have a loved one who is need of home care services today, during the holidays or at any time, call us at (502) 458-2273, to see how we can provide the quality care your loved one has come to expect.