Mom is becoming more and more forgetful; Dad has fallen too many times.  Your spouse is overly agitated when you try to assist with normal activities of daily living.  You, as the caregiver, are feeling stressed and strained to the limits.  What to do?  What to do?

It’s a tough decision to make, deciding that your spouse, parent, or other loved one needs a professional caregiver.  You may be feeling guilty because you can no longer be the caregiver.  I can assure you, that time comes for most of us.

I’m familiar with this situation from more than one perspective.  To begin with, I’ve been a caregiver for my husband since we were married over 45 years ago because he was born with epilepsy.  It’s been a daily watch for signs of ongoing seizures, and a daily battle keeping him safe.  I would even go so far as to say it’s been a daily grind at times.

I’m also a long-distance caregiver for my mother who has congestive heart failure and diabetes.  I keep in touch with her at least once a week to see how she fares.  Frequently I speak with her doctors, nurses, and caseworker to make sure she’s doing what she needs to do for optimal health.  It isn’t always possible for me to do this over the phone, so I actually have to travel to help her at times.

Then, to top it off, I’ve been a professional caregiver for over 20 years.  I tell you these things in order for you to know that I understand where you are coming from, and that I know what I’m talking about.

Here are some signs that it may be time to get help.  Your loved one:

  1. Falls in the home when alone;
  2. Feels isolated when alone;
  3. Has anxiety, depression, fear/confusion;
  4. Appears to be unclean, unkempt, and wears the same clothing day after day;
  5. May not take medications properly;
  6. Has a sudden change in weight;
  7. Sleeps more or less than usual;
  8. Has difficulty keeping the home clean or properly maintained;
  9. Is taking less interest in hobbies;
  10. Has stacks of unopened mail or unpaid bills
  11. Is giving assets away to strangers;
  12. Is ill, or you yourself are ill.

So what can you do?  Call Ghostbusters?  That doesn’t’ work.  Wring your hands and cry?

That doesn’t work either.

Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, then call CareBuilders at Home and let us help!  We provide companionship, light housekeeping, meal preparation, medication reminders, personal care, and transportation to appointments or errands.  We offer daily, overnight, live-in, and even respite care.

Not only to we care FOR your loved one, we care ABOUT them!

So, if you need help, don’t call Ghostbusters.   DO call CareBuilders at Home at 502-458-2273.