Homecare agencies exist to help people stay in their own homes for as long as possible. One of the many reasons clients may want to stay in their homes can be pets. Pets are a lifetime commitment, and the client may not have foreseen needing homecare when they got their pet. Others may be worried that they won’t be able to take their pet with them into a facility (although according to Reuters, most nursing homes in the United States allow animals to visit residents. This is a serious consideration. Pets can also provide much-needed companionship for older adults.An older woman on the left and an older man on the right are smiling as a golden retriever stands behind them.

Sometimes, an older adult’s mobility can change quickly. Caregivers may have to step in and assist the older adult with tasks they were able to complete independently only a few months ago. Either injury or illness can cause this change in mobility. Most often, we see this with household tasks like vacuuming or taking the garbage out, but this same situation can happen with pets.

Luckily, our agency does offer basic pet services. We can help with feeding, walking, or letting your animals out to go to the bathroom. All you have to do is specifically tell us that you are looking for this care, and we will do our best to send a caregiver who can help you and your furry friend at the same time. Keep your furry friend at home with you for as long as possible, but every older adult should talk with their loved ones about who they want to care for their pet if something happens to them, Too many animals end up in shelters because their owners’ families were not prepared to find them a home.

Thank you for reading and I will see you back here at our blog shortly to talk about companionship for older adults.