Sleep is a fundamental part of health for all of us, but regularly getting adequate sleep is very important for older adults. This is especially true for certain conditions, so be sure to ask your doctor or your loved one’s doctor about sleep needs. Here are some ways you can get proper sleep as an older adult. The National Institute of Aging has some good advice as well.

Older woman sleeping on a white pillow with white bedsheets, with her arms tucked under her head.

Tips on Sleeping Well

  1. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Keeping a good routine will promote consistent sleep.
  2. Limit screen time before bed. Even e-readers can emit a blue light that keeps your body from sending out melatonin to make you sleepy. Try reading a book instead.
  3. Ask your doctor about any pain you have. Older adults will have trouble sleeping if they have unaddressed pain. You can work with your doctor to address this pain with either medication or physical therapy.
  4. Ask your doctor if any of your medications have sleep disrupting side effects. Your medications may be making it harder for you to fall asleep.

These are just a few tips to follow for good sleep, and always, talk to your doctor about any side effects you experience with your medications. A benefit of our non-medical homecare is that our caregivers do report any changes in behavior or demeanor (things like sleepiness and mood) to our office, and we tell our clients. We are there to help you take care of yourself or loved ones.