At CareBuilders, we do non-medical homecare. What is that and what’s the difference between other medical forms of homecare? Are our caregivers nurses? What can and can’t our caregivers do? That is the topic of this post, and hopefully it will answer these questions briefly but thoroughly.

A woman in a blue top is carrying a wire basket while an older woman in a grey sweater sits on her right.

What Is Non-Medical Homecare?

Our caregivers provide help with activities of daily living (ADLs) like cooking, cleaning, showering, standing up, and walking. The main three categories of ADLs we help with are homemaking, companionship, and personal care. Every caregiver has their own skillset, and every client has their own needs.

What is the Difference Between This and a Medical Homecare Service?

The extent we can do in terms of anything medical is medication reminders and self-medication assistance. But anything involving an injection, or medication administration, or medication monitoring is not something we can do. We do monitor our clients’ conditions, but that’s not the same as monitoring their responses to specific medications.

Are Our Caregivers Nurses?

No, they are not usually practicing nurses. Some are nursing school students, and some are certified nursing assistants (CNAs), but they work in a non-medical capacity. They are still able to provide you with support, but not the medical support that you would get from a nurse.

How Do You Know Non-Medical is Right for You?

Not everyone needs medical homecare. You or your loved one may not need that, but always ask your doctor for what they recommend. The only ones who can make this decision are you and your family along with your doctor. If you are a family caregiver, and you want to find a caregiver to help your loved one with non-medical ADLs like showering, eating, or light cleaning.

Stay tuned for next time, we will talk about some accessible additions to your home!