I know, I know, I’ve talked about holiday caregivers before. But the winter holidays are little bit different than Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is very food based, and a lot of holiday help may look like food preparation and cooking assistance. However, holidays like Christmas, New Year’s Eve, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa all include food in their celebrations to various degrees but may include other elements that a caregiver can assist an older adult with completing. For example, an older adult may need help decorating their space for the holiday. Another difference is that Thanksgiving is usually celebrated on a single day, but many winter holidays have celebrations over multiple days. Here are some tasks that our holiday caregivers can assist you with this holiday season.

Holiday Decor

Fall holiday decorations are important, but, like previously mentioned, the main focus is the food and place settings. Winter holidays tend to focus on decorations a lot more, and there’s more decor. Do you have a Christmas tree? More and more people have multiple trees for different parts of their house. Decorating one 6 foot tall tree can be a huge task for an older adult, especially if they live alone, or they have limited mobility. Maybe the issue that you are having isn’t mobility-based, but caused by the sheer amount of decorating you usually do for the holidays. We can help you out with that.

Helping You be Present

It can be exhausting hosting a family gathering when you have medication, you use mobility aides, or you’re dealing with relatively new health issues. Our experienced caregivers can help you remember to take your medication and help you with your daily tasks. This may or may not work for you and your family. Some people prefer to have their family members help them, and others prefer professional help.

Holiday Shopping

Our caregivers provide shopping assistance year-round. One thing we can help you with this holiday season is shopping. We can help you make a list, clip coupons, and our caregivers can even accompany you to the store. This can help older adults who have limited mobility, or who struggle shopping alone.

Overall, there are many benefits of hiring a caregiver this holiday season. You can read more about holiday help here and here if you are interested.