Losing a loved one can be incredibly difficult. This is especially true for seniors. When seniors lose a significant other, close friend, or family member, it can greatly affect their body and mind. It’s important for loved ones to understand how loss can impact a senior’s physical and mental health to support them successfully. By knowing this, they can help seniors thrive. Here are a few things to consider, and how companion care at home can help.

A Deeper Look at the Impact: Physical Effects of Loss

Grief is hard on the body, and seniors are no different. Here are some ways their bodies can show signs of loss:

  • Weaker immune system: The stress and mental upheaval of losing a loved one can weaken the immune system, making seniors more likely to get sick or infected.
  • Exhaustion and sleeping issues: Grief often throws off sleep habits, which can lead to insomnia or exhaustion during the day. The fatigue that comes from this can make other physical complaints worse and slow down the healing process.
  • Changes in hunger and weight: Seniors may have changes in their appetite, which can cause them to lose or gain weight. It’s normal to lose interest in food, which makes it even more important to eat well during this time. With companion care at home, their appetite can be monitored more closely. Their home care team might also assist with shopping or even cooking.
  • Increased chance of heart problems: The emotional stress of loss can raise blood pressure and heart rate, which makes seniors more likely to have heart problems.

A Deeper Look at the Impact: Mental and Social Effects of Loss

Losing a loved one can have deep and long-lasting effects on the mind. Here are some of the most common mental and social problems seniors may face:

  • Intense grief and sadness: When a senior loses a loved one, they often feel sad, empty, and longing for them for a long time. Grief can make a person feel alone and cut off from other people. With companion care at home, seniors gain the socialization they need.
  • Depression and anxiety: Loss can cause or make depression and anxiety conditions worse for seniors. There may be feelings of despair, guilt, or not being worth anything. Monitoring these feelings is key, especially if they don’t seem to get any better.
  • Cognitive Impairment: Loss can make it hard to focus or forget things. This can be incredibly frustrating for seniors, especially if they already struggle with cognitive issues.
  • Loss of purpose and identity: When seniors lose a partner or close friend, they can feel like they have lost their identity and have no reason to live. They need to find activities and a new sense of purpose for their emotional healing.

When loved ones and companion care at home providers know how loss affects seniors physically and emotionally, they help them regain their hope and joy. It’s important to be patient with seniors as they process their emotions and gently encourage them to continue daily normal functioning.


If you or an aging loved one is considering companion care at home in Burnsville, MN, and the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at CareBuilders at Home Minnesota. Call today 612-260-2273.