Multiple Sclerosis, commonly abbreviated as MS, is an autoimmune disease that is chronic and progressive. It causes a large range of symptoms that include fatigue, mobility challenges, cognitive challenges, pain, and more. Seniors who are dealing with MS might benefit from home care assistance on a regular basis.

Personalized Care Plans

Every person’s experience with MS is different from anyone else’s. That means that a personalized care plan is going to offer the biggest benefit. Elder care providers are able to offer just the assistance that is needed and wanted, without helping in ways that aren’t necessary. This helps seniors who have trouble accepting help to feel more comfortable with that assistance.

Mobility Support

One huge challenge that many people with MS experience is mobility. Home care providers can help with mobility challenges, including using mobility aids such as wheelchairs or walkers. They can also help with transferring, especially at home moving from seated or lying positions.

Help with Activities of Daily Living

Activities of daily living are those daily activities like bathing, grooming, dressing, eating, and more that are done every day as a regular part of life. For people with MS, these tasks can sometimes become too difficult. Home care assistance can help with ADLs and personal care tasks, helping people receiving care to be comfortable and hygienic.

Nutrition and Meal Preparation

Nutrition is always important, but people who live with chronic health conditions need to pay even more attention to nutrition. The problem is that MS patients often don’t have the energy or the stamina to prepare healthy meals from whole foods. Caregivers can take over those tasks, ensuring that healthy meals and snacks are readily available.

Help with Household Tasks

Just as with ADLs and meal preparation, other household tasks need to be done, but aren’t easy or safe for people with MS to do. Home care assistance can take over those chores, like laundry and vacuuming. This helps to keep the home tidy and clean, which also supports good health.

Socialization and Emotional Support

MS can be a lonely condition for people to manage. Having caregivers stopping in to offer help is wonderful, but they also offer socialization and emotional support that is equally important. Caregivers understand what people with MS are facing every day.


Driving is a huge part of maintaining independence. People with MS may find that they have to give up driving far sooner than they ever expected they would have to. But appointments, errands, and social engagements still exist. Caregivers can do the driving, keeping their patients safe and mobile.

Respite Support

Family caregivers do a lot for their family members who have MS. But they still do need to take care of themselves, and that means taking respite time. When family caregivers know that there’s someone there who can properly help their family member, it’s a lot easier to take that needed time away.

Living with MS is a challenge, but that challenge is so much easier to manage with home care assistance and a plan of attack.

If you or an aging loved one is considering home care assistance in Plymouth, MN, and the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at CareBuilders at Home Minnesota. Call today 612-260-2273.