Eating disorders are an issue for all sorts of people. Seniors can very easily find themselves dealing with an eating disorder if they’re not careful. Getting help right away and having realistic support from family caregivers and senior home care providers can help a lot.

Significant Weight Loss

Any time that seniors lose a drastic amount of weight, whether they tried to do so or not, that’s an indication that something is going on. It’s really important to talk with the senior’s doctor about any underlying issues that might contribute to that weight loss. Even if seniors do need to lose a little bit of weight, it’s important to do so slowly and safely.

Lots of Talk about Weight or Appearance

When seniors are suddenly talking a lot about their appearance or weight, that can indicate that they’re becoming obsessed with their body image and how they look. Constantly being preoccupied with weight or body size can be a sign that seniors might be having trouble with an eating disorder. It’s important that seniors get a realistic idea from their medical providers about how much they should weigh.

Avoiding Social Eating

Changes in behavior can be a sign that something has changed. If seniors were happy to eat with other people in the past and now are eating alone or hiding their eating habits, it might be time to get more information. Senior home care providers can help family caregivers to understand more about what is going on with seniors during meals.

Other Changes in Food Habits

Sometimes an eating disorder starts very subtly when someone makes changes to their dietary habits and food intake. Lowering sodium and cutting out excess sugar are common changes, for instance. But if seniors are suddenly cutting out entire food groups or are restricting their diets in ways that don’t seem reasonable, it might be time to take a closer look.

Obsessing about Exercise

Over-exercising can be another sign of an eating disorder in seniors. Seniors should be getting a little bit of movement every day in order to remain healthy, but exercising too much can cause some health problems, too. If seniors seem to be anxious about not working out or seem to be obsessing about exercise, a conversation about what’s going on might help.

Mood Changes

When seniors make drastic changes to their eating habits, they may also experience personality or mood changes that seem out of character. This can happen when blood sugar levels are too low too often, for instance. Seniors can also seem more withdrawn or anxious, especially when it comes to conversations about mood and eating habits.

Reluctance to Talk to Doctors

Seniors who are having trouble with an eating disorder might be more reluctant to talk to their doctors if family caregivers make that suggestion. Talking with their doctor can help seniors to recognize what’s going on with their eating habits and put a plan together to adopt healthier habits overall.

Senior home care providers can be incredibly helpful for aging adults who are having trouble avoiding eating disorders. Catching these habits quickly can make it a lot easier for seniors to get the help that they need.


If you or an aging loved one is considering senior home care in St. Louis Park, MN, and the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at CareBuilders at Home Minnesota. Call today 612-260-2273.