Seniors often rely on family caregivers who juggle their schedules and other responsibilities so that they can care for a senior parent. But what happens when the family caregiver gets sick? Everyone gets sick, so at some point a family caregiver is likely going to be unable to take care of a senior parent. When a family caregiver is sick, either short term or long term, and they can’t take care of their senior parent, they need to have elder care step in to help. Elder care provides seniors with help in all household tasks like cleaning, cooking, shopping, laundry, and more. And elder care provides social connection and stability for seniors. In addition to elder care when a family caregiver gets sick seniors also need:

A Medication Plan

Seniors who take critical medications to manage their health can’t wait for a caregiver to get better if they need prescriptions. Family caregivers should create a medication plan that details what medications their parent needs, what doctors need to be called for refills, and what pharmacy the medication is filled out. An elder care provider can make sure the prescriptions get filled and pick them up, or a family caregiver can arrange for delivery of the prescriptions if necessary. Many pharmacies will delivery prescriptions for seniors to make it easier for seniors to access their medication.

Rides To Medical Appointments

Family caregivers are very often the ones who take seniors to medical appointments for check ups, labs, and other routine care. But if they are sick and can’t take their senior parent someone will have to. Often it’s very difficult to reschedule medical appointments. An elder care provider can go with a senior to their medical appointment if a family caregiver can’t go. Or a home care provider can arrange for a cab or a rideshare if the senior just needs a ride to the medical office and a ride home.

Help With Pets

Family caregivers are invaluable to seniors with pets because often they are the ones who do the heavy lifting when it comes to pet care. They clean litter boxes, refill food and water bowls, wash those bowls and pet beds, and take dogs for walks. An elder care provider can step in for the family caregiver and help out with pet care so that seniors don’t have to worry about their pet getting the care they need.

An Emergency Plan

Emergencies happen, and if one happens when a family caregiver is unable to get to their senior parent to help them there needs to be a plan in place for what to do. Elder care is the best choice. Seniors and their families may want to consider 24-hour care while a caregiver is sick or injured so that seniors will always have someone in the house with them that can deal with any emergency from a fire or flood or a senior falling down and hurting themselves.

If you or an aging loved one is considering elder care in Minnetonka, MN, and the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at CareBuilders at Home Minnesota. Call today 612-260-2273.