Elder Care in Minnetonka MN

Elder Care in Minnetonka MNIf your elderly loved one has mentioned that she’s worried that she might fall, it’s time to take that concern seriously. There are several reasons that your loved one might be worried about a fall and you can take preventative measures for each of them.

Make Exercise a Regular Part of Every Day

Regular exercise isn’t always the first thing that your elderly loved one might think of when she first lets you know that she’s scared of falling. But it can help her to build up her strength and improve her balance, so exercise is an incredibly important part of her routine. Always talk to your loved one’s doctor before starting any exercise program to make sure that it’s safe for your loved one’s current health situation.

Check Side Effects on Medications

While you’re working with your loved one’s doctor, be sure to ask if there are any medications she’s taking that can have side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness, or lightheadedness. All of these types of side effects can make your loved one feel uncertain when she’s moving, which can set her up for a fall. If your loved one’s medications could be causing this problem for her, her doctor may be able to adjust the medication.

Get Your Loved One’s Vision Tested

If your loved one’s vision is fading, she might not notice it. Her body will notice, though, and she’s likely to compensate by hesitating more often or by feeling disoriented when she moves. Make an appointment to have her vision checked, especially if your loved one hasn’t been to the eye doctor in longer than a year. Once you know more about her eye health, you can make a better decision about how to handle the situation.

Look Out for Safety Hazards

Safety hazards at home can be something that your elderly loved one overlooks but that are still a contributing factor to her fear of falling. Check for clutter, loose floorboards or carpeting, and poor lighting. Consider adding hand rails in strategic locations and making other changes that improve the overall safety when she’s at home.

Your loved one’s elder care providers can help you stay on the alert for contributing factors that might make falls more likely.

If you or an aging loved one are considering elder care in Minnetonka, MN, and the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at CareBuilders at Home Minnesota. Call today 612-260-2273.