Your loved one’s doctor may not have as much time as you’d like to help your loved one manage her osteoporosis, so it pays to keep appointments as efficient as you possibly can.

Bring a List of All Medications and Supplements with You

Some medications and supplements might interact with your loved one’s osteoporosis medication or they can even work against her osteoporosis medication. Having a full understanding of everything that your loved one is taking helps your loved one’s doctor to make a plan that encompasses all of her needs fully.

Bring Any Questions You Have

You and your loved one might find yourselves with quite a few questions. In the hustle and bustle of a doctor’s appointment, however, it’s really easy to forget something that you needed to ask your loved one’s doctor. If you can keep a running list of questions that you have, it’s easy to take that one list with you and get answers to all of the questions you collect in between appointments.

Ask about Potential Treatment Methods

Your senior’s needs might change, especially if a treatment method isn’t working as well for her as it did in the past. It’s always a good idea to inquire about new treatments that might benefit your loved one or other treatments that possibly weren’t right for your loved one before might be excellent for her now.

Ask about Exercise

If your aging parent isn’t already exercising, ask about the right exercise plan for her. Your loved one’s doctor can assess what types of exercise she can do safely based on her current health. Weight-bearing exercises such as walking are some of the types of exercise her doctor might recommend for your loved one.

Be Sure You Have a Solid Plan

When you leave the appointment, it should be with a solid plan for your elderly adult to manage her osteoporosis. You can always adjust the plan, but having one at all allows you to start to make some progress.

If you’re not able to go with your senior parent, consider hiring home care providers to help your loved one capture all of the important information that she needs from her appointment.

If you or an aging loved one are considering homecare in Maple Grove, MN, and the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at CareBuilders at Home Minnesota. Call today 612-260-2273.