It’s really easy to say some pretty negative things to yourself. Turning those negative bits of self-talk around is a powerful tool that you can use to give yourself a boost when you need it most on your caregiving journey.

“I’m All Alone.”

You may be in a situation in which you feel really isolated. This can manifest in telling yourself that you’re all alone or that no one is there for you. While this can feel true, it may not be as true as you think that it is. Try stopping this thought in its track and telling yourself that you have people and groups you can reach out to. Join a caregiver support group and learn who you can reach out to. Then, when you do feel alone, you have someone you can talk to about those feelings.

“I Hate When”

When you start out any situation or solution by thinking about how much you hate it, there’s a lot of negativity built in to that notion. You could instead look for the similarities between this situation and the others that you’ve handled already. Look for what you can enjoy about that experience rather than the negatives the may be front and center to you.

“I Can’t Do It.”

When you’re tired, when you’re feeling hopeless, when you’re feeling alone, you’re likely to respond by telling yourself you can’t do something. It might be broad, as in you can’t do this caregiving thing any longer, or it might be more specific to the situation. Regardless, turn that around and tell yourself you definitely can do this. You have the skills you need to get this handled.

“I’m Doing Everything Wrong.”

You’re a caregiver, not some visitor from somewhere perfect. You’re human. There are times when situations and experiences are not going to go how you expect them to go. That’s life and it’s something that will continue to happen. Give yourself the leeway to remember that this is a human experience and that you’re doing the best that you can do with the resources you have right now.

Practicing positive self-talk is simpler than you think, but it does take practice. You have to stick with it so that you can start to experience the benefits that you want to see as a caregiver. You don’t have to keep being your own worst enemy. Instead, try building yourself up with positive statements that are far more accurate.

If you or an aging loved one are considering caregivers in St. Louis Park, MN, and the surrounding areas, please contact the friendly staff at CareBuilders at Home Minnesota. Call today 612-260-2273.